
If you desire to see kids grow in their relationship with God, there’s a place for you to serve in the Sugar Hill Kids!

Please explore the options below and contact the Sugar Hill Kids Team at 770-945-5092 or [email protected] to learn more.

Small Group Leaders

Small group leaders care for a group of kids each week and consistently connect with their families; they encourage spiritual growth through relationships and small group activities.

Welcome Team

Welcome Team members greet new families as they enter the Kids Ministry environment and guide them through the process of swiftly and easily checking into classrooms.

Large Group Worship

Large group worship leaders, tech team, Bible lesson leaders, and large group leaders work together to create an environment where kids can encounter God and build lasting relationships.

Sugar Hill SHINE Buddies

SHINE is our ministry design to engage children with special needs. Our SHINE leaders (Buddies) intentionally use fun creative activities to learn about Jesus through crafts, games, music and more tailored just for them.

Learn more about Sugar Hill SHINE


Contact the Sugar Hill Kids Team at 770-945-5092 or [email protected].